Shaun @Blordow

Age 35, Male

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Queensland, Australia

Joined on 12/17/03

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How much do you fap?

Posted by Blordow - May 9th, 2015

Do you ever get that sad feeling after jacking your meat to a screen? Do you ever think to yourself after a long session pleasuring yourself to some other guy fucking your perfect girl What the fuck am I doing with my life? Do you even realize how much time you've wasted? You can transmute that energy and put into more meaningful practices in your life. You can become your greatest version, but the power is in your hands.

It's tough to beat any addiction, it's tough to even acknowledge you even have an addiction, especially in this over sexualized society we live in, it's hard to escape from the imagery of sex, it's everywhere but you can control that sexual energy. There's positives in abstaining from masturbation and quitting porn. You aren't wasting your seed, Increased energy, Increased moods, more confidence within yourself and your ability, a desire to reach your dreams, respect and a general feeling of appreciation from strangers, it's hard to describe but people notice something different about you in a good way. There are more reported benefits.

It's a long road, and it's never going to be easy but I encourage people to give it a shot if you get the feeling porn/fapping is making you feel weak.

Anyway with all that being said, I used my newfound spare time to make a cartoon about it.

Take care!


I fap everyday and I am not ashamed to acknowledge it.

this is..perfect. the story. the timeline. the ending..keep it up lol

hehehe thx

sooner or later you gonna have to bust that nut chief

for sure, but not in front of a screen or my imagination


Ugh. That's all folks, just... Ugh.

You are right, its a horrible addiction and is very VERY difficult to deal with. i would like to see more vids and posts like this in the future.

just one nofap animation will do for me ha

Nice cartoon. It's the goddamnned truth, too.

I'm 200+ days deep; helps me focus my energy and time on my own goals (fitness, animation, design well-being). Also makes me try harder to approach women to get my nut since I eliminated the easy porn alternative.

Wow that's awesome man, and yes there is definitely more of an incentive to approach and talk to women. Keep it up, cheers!

If u fap in the shower or right before sleep ur not really wasting time ;)

Right on! Can't believe there's someone currently working through this on Newgrounds as well, I pretty much got my ass handed to me in this topic http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1390452/1 concerning PIED, NoFap, etc. Really glad to see someone else walking the same road, makes me feel a lot better and more motivated.
I lost the best girl I ever dated to porn and the consequences of porn-usage. I realized to little too late what the problem was and although started NoFap right away, I still lost her. I since vowed to never let that happen again ):< ...
I shared your video with yourbrainrebalanced just now, hopefully they'll come give it some 5s, I'm sure it'll get a lot of positive reception!

thanks, and good luck with the reboot!