I had so much support and praise and ended up doing nothing with it all. I'm an idiot, a loser with a glimmer of passion left. I had a sponsorship offer from Tom if I ended up finishing a game I was working on, but never even finished it. Hell, I even got awarded a free tablet to improve my skills, yet I feel as if I have wasted all of my 9 nine lives to make a name for myself. I've lost front page posting abilities, so now even more people no longer remember who and what I achieved at Newgrounds, even if I hardly achieved anything spectacular, it was still a big stepping stone in my life.
As my flash career spiralled down I started making pathetic music about how my mundane life was so miserable and thought people would actually give a shit. Al though I learnt quite a bit about music production, none of it has really taken me anywhere.
Now I feel like I've started so many dreams that I've lost track of which one I actually want to take and it depresses me because I want to do all of them.
I don't even know why I am posting this, it seems I have a habit of coming back to things that affected my life some how. I really don't know what else to say or do. I can only say thanks to whoever once believed in me. I tend to take a lot of subtle things for granted.
just need to figure out what you love to do man, dont worry about what other
people think, just do what YOU love, and everything else will simply fall into place.
weak sleepers was easily one of your best flashes, it had alot of style and some impressive effects. So I know theres definitely something cool up your sleeve.
This is all you now man, no rtil, no back alleys, no NG BBS nonsense. All that negativity has been back burned for sometime now. Impress yourself with your abilities , and others will be impressed by you,
you will only get better,
so do it man.
You've always been a big help and have inspiring words to say, so I have to say cheers to you for that, much appreciated. I will motivate myself somehow and will hope to god I submit something worthwhile again.