rant rant rant ahead.
I know for me it would be a dream to be working in an independent game studio like the behemoth. Making graphics for games, I'd stray away from the coding side of things uggh. But realistically, I'm kinda losing hope and motivation. There are so many people like me nowadays wanting to become some sort of animator, but if you want to get anywhere, the way I see it is you gotta be REALLY good or have some sort of real drive and passion for it, something I am lacking a lot lately even though when I was a young child, i said my dream job would be a cartoonist or animator, not your typical "when i grow up i wanna be a fireman!"
The thing is, I don't want to settle for normal. I don't want to be your typical average guy who lives his life laying bricks, fixing leaking pipes, etc. I want to actually enjoy what I do every day, life shouldn't be about work, for a select lucky few they get to enjoy their work.
I worked in a Web Design company last year in New Zealand. I was really excited when I got the job, but after a while it got old and I questioned myself if I really enjoyed doing it. I found the workplace way too business like, it wasn't even a slight bit enjoyable. Imagine people in suits, shaking hands, straight faces, fake laughter. That was my workplace in a little nutshell.
I moved back to Australia, where I am originally from at the end of the year. Doing a bit of freelance work for my dads friends business. Mainly flash banners. But I want to go further, I want a fun career. Thing is you got to have the paper in your hand that states you know what you're doing (most of the time) it helps if you know someone in the industry (which i dont). I've just been stressing out lately, I don't know what paths to take to get to where I want to go. I am 19 years old and don't wanna leave it too late. I know things dont just happen, you gotta make things happen but with the amount of people who want to become animators, I see the chances of myself becoming one slipping away and I see myself stooping into the gloomy average joe life.
That's just what I wanted to say. How many of you feel the same? Dan Paladin I think you're awesome and I envy you because you have something that I can only dream of. You're no Disney 3D super star animator, but that's the one thing that gives me a slight bit of hope.
Thanks for reading and I'd like to hear what everyones input is if they have any. :]
Well the thing about Behemoth is it formed around Dan Paladin's style. I read that somewhere recently but forgot where so it could be BS. I can't offer you any career advice in animation without it being generic stuff that everyone talks about.
It formed around his style? That makes it even cooler.