O MY GOD YES! what i hate the most is voice actors want to voice in realy good animations and their are a bajillian voice actors and a handful of animators. voice actors act like they have it so hard when it takes all of 10-20 minutes. in my expirience i have had countless voice actors and about two deliver in a good 1-3 days when my scripts are like 20 secconds of talking, the rest are like 3 week wait. animators are the serious ones and take like 5-12 hours a day doing their shit. i may sound like im bitching, but it might be just because im very amitureish and nobody wants to voice for me. i dont know
I think it needs to be taken very carefully. Perhaps think of giving them an ultimatum, either get their lines in by a new deadline, or tell them that you'll replace them.
Please, not all of us are insensitive like that, there's just bound to be a few bad apples, just try not to let them spoil the bunch.
I hate blackmailing people. If people wanna voice, they wanna voice. Tired of giving people second chances when they don't deserve them.